Unknown boltgen command in rhino 3D

Today: I have Unknown boltgen command in rhino 3D.Until now I had it and it worked well. RHINO V8 is really starting to bother me…

Is Boltgen still present and enabled in your plug-ins list (Options>Plugins)?

when I ask for command: see picture. but when I look into options: nothing. Before I’ve got this.:thinking:

Now Boltgen is not Available online in my package manager…

What you see are aliases to commands that have been installed by the plug-in - that does not necessarily mean the plug in is still/currently installed unfortunately, just that it was sometime in the past and the aliases are still there.

I don’t think Boltgen is being actively maintained, but I may be mistaken on that.

AFAIK it never was available in the Package Manager, just from Food4Rhino.

FWIW it still works in the latest SRC (Rhino 8.11.24226.6001) under Windows:

EDIT: I see someone else is reporting that Bella has gone after the latest SRC on Mac: coincidence or a plugin issue on that platform?

In any case, now it doesn’t work anymore! Can’t wait for Rhino V9 because V8 is full of unpleasant surprises a little gradually (at least under Mac since the upgrade to a similarity with the windows system)… for now I’m going to do without boltgen which has removed itself with the latest update.