what I’m doing currently is:
split one surface using the other
remove the “intersecting part”
join the non intersecting surfaces into a polysurface
Is there a way to do this in one click only? Like “Unite” in Adobe Illustrator?
Thank you in advance.
Assuming the surfaces are planar everywhere and coplanar:
DupBorder the surfaces
CurveBoolean the border curves
PlanarSrf the resulting curve
Another method assuming the surfaces are planar everywhere and coplanar:
(Chuck Welsh)
January 3, 2019, 3:43am
In V6, CurveBoolean has an option to output surfaces, so David’s first method is 2 steps, rather than 3.
Thank you for your answers!! I’m going to try them in a few hours in my class. Wonder if that works on flat surfaces only, or any coplanar surfaces (my understanding of the word “coplanar” might be wrong )
(Chuck Welsh)
January 3, 2019, 5:23am
Coplanar definitely implies “flat”