Unable to Modify Border Frame and Checkbox Colors in Rhino

I have modified the Rhino 8 theme, but I can’t find some options. I need to consult the official support. Here are my questions:

  1. I can’t find some interface modification options. Could you please tell me where to modify the border frame shown in my reference image? I’ve basically gone through all the parameters with “border” in their names in the advanced options, but they don’t seem to have any effect.

  2. Additionally, where can I adjust the colors of these checked options? In the advanced options, I can only search for parameters. Is it also possible to search for color values simultaneously?
  3. I would like to change it to a borderless mode as shown in the image below, or a unified checkbox mode. I’m a little confused as to why there are two different setting logics in the same settings menu.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help and guidance.