Rhino 8 Dark Mode Tweaks

Very happy with the new Dark mode in Rhino 8, but the defaults feel too high contrast to my eyes. I’ve dialed in some custom colors that I’m pretty happy with, but the only colors I can not find settings for are the background in the layers panel and the text in the layers panel. I’d love to be able to brighten up the background color by 10-15% and then lower the brightness of the text to around 80% white.

How can I change these two colors? I can’t find them anywhere in the settings.


Hi @shawnastrom

Try Advanced settings. Rhino.UI.ThemeSettings.Content.List.Enabled.Background.

There are a few other List settings below it as well that you might use as well, such as the …List.Enabled.Text.

This setting will apply to many of the list boxes within Rhino.


Thank you!!! @Trav That did it, at least for the background color, not sure where that text color is still but no worries as brightening up the background did the trick!

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Many of the text colors in Rhino come from that same Advanced setting region. Rhino.UI.ThemeSettings.Content.Text.Enabled.

You will likely have to refresh the Layer panel or close and reopen it to see it update

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Thanks for advanced setting info

I had to change some colors of the dark-color theme.

“…Tab.Unchecked.Text” (was to dark) to white (represented in Yellow in screen copy)

But still can’t find how to change it’s border color nor background


Some help ?


If I’m understanding correctly you want Appearance > Colors > Selected Tab Background and Frame Background.

I’m sorry, I would like to discuss a similar topic, but I really don’t know where to find it, I wanted to make the font larger by changing the windows settings, but it still doesn’t work.
where can I change the menu font size?

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I found no “font.” property in Advanced settings, except for “CommandPrompt.”

Unless I’m wrong, I reported an existing property not working correctly : “Tab.Unchecked.Background”
Not the “tab.checked.background” as suggested by

Best regards

So my next question is how to I setup Grasshopper to be in a Dark Mode as well?

There are probably more elegant was to do it, but I have used the ‘Palette’ plugin in the past:

@Michael_Pryor Also has a plugin called Moonlight which is specifically for dark mode that could do the trick.


Can you guys help me finding these 5 settings?
I’ve checked almost all of them and could not find them.
I really don’t understand how to navigate the names in the advanced settings.

I really hate the White window borders, ruins dark alltogether.

And also, how could i save these advanced aparence settings for later use on a brand new OS.

Thank you !!

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No ideal way. Two options:

  1. Command OptionsExport will export a file that you can import with command OptionsImport.
  2. Copy the entire settings file located here:
    C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0 to your other PC.

Both of these methods export far more settings than only interface color settings.

  1. Rhino.UI.ThemeSettings.Frame.Button.Checked.Background
  2. Rhino.UI.ThemeSettings.Content.Button.EnabledHover.Border
  3. Rhino.UI.ThemeSettings.Frame.Tab.Checked.Background
  4. Could’t find. (not every color option is exposed for editing).
  5. Rhino.UI.ThemeSettings.Frame.Tab.Checked.Background (same as 3)

Ended with quite a funny interface lul.

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Thank you man, but for this one i still have not found a soultion.
It is about the colour of the topmost bar of the window, windows settings set to dark.

Maybe i just cant change it.
But in this post:
It is somehow changed…