What is wrong with my lines and how can I fix this issue? I don’t want to use mesh pipes as dendro volume allows blending of pipes into each other in contrast to mesh pipes. DENDRO VOLUME QUESTION.gh (1.3 MB)
This is a known error in Dendro in which a curve going into the Curve To Volume component is shorter than the Curve Radius input. You can fix it by culling any curves shorter than the Curve Radius from the input.
Thanks a lot. Some more queries regarding dendro volume. How can I make the resultant volume smoother? It has undulations as compared to a scenario when I create a mesh pipe.
Offset your surface first by the radius, or offset your field lines normal to the surface. Rather than converting the lines to volumes, you can divide them into points yourself with a higher density, then convert the points to volumes. This is likely what the volume from curve component does anyway. For example you could divide by less than sphere radius to get smooth lines.
Measure the length of the curve
Divide the length by the smallest dimension you’d like to capture
Round up to the ceiling
Divide curve by number
Get brep closest point
Scale the normal by your your min dimension
Add the normal to each point
Feed the points into the dendro volume from point
This should also get rid of your initial problem, because if you divide a curve by 1 the result is both end points. You’ll get a lot of points doing it this way, but it should be a lot smoother. You can also smooth the dendro volume
dharman is correct, the Curve to Volume component in Dendro simply generates points from input curves internally. Generating your own points then using Point to Volume will give you more control.
For smoothing your final volume, just decrease your Voxel Size and (optionally) add a Smooth Volume component. You can see the sample files and documentation included with Dendro fro more information on that.
To get your offset points you can use another Dendro loop that applies a Volume Offset to your base mesh that is 1/2 the point radius you use later (then mesh closest point from that output).
If you are trying to maintain the exact look of your source curves you can continue on and generate vectors from the original and new CP points.