ex_01.3dm (866.3 KB)
Uploading: ex_01.gh…
I’ve uploaded the files here, sorry for the mis-management it’s my 1st post in the forum.
(Charlie Pyott)
January 28, 2022, 6:57pm
Looks like your grasshopper file (.gh) did not upload on your post.
I am guessing from your screen shot that you are running into the Dendro Solution Exception error that happens when a curve going into your Curve to Volume component is to short.
More info on that and fix is here:
Hi, when I download this script the curve to volume function is still red on the ammended script??? thanks
Another example:
dharman is correct, the Curve to Volume component in Dendro simply generates points from input curves internally. Generating your own points then using Point to Volume will give you more control.
For smoothing your final volume, just decrease your Voxel Size and (optionally) add a Smooth Volume component. You can see the sample files and documentation included with Dendro fro more information on that.
To get your offset points you can use another Dendro loop that applies a Volume Offset to you…
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