Field Lines to Volume (Dendro)

Hello everyone,

I am trying to convert Field Line curves into meshes using the Dendro Curve to Volume component. However, I keep encountering the following error: “Solution exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” I have tried resolving the issue by following suggestions from previous threads, but unfortunately, I haven’t had any success.

Here is the script in question: (19.6 KB)

Would anyone have a solution to this problem? Thank you!

Never, never … never use DataTree in Dendro. Except if you expect many different volumes/meshes as a result.
When something goes wrong it is good to inspect. Here you were generating 1500 Dendro Volume because you has a datatree as input.
Just flatten the input of “Curve To Volume” you will end with a single Dendro Volume !!!
So Volume Union is here not useful.

Settings using Slider without using a Dam is not recommended.

Bandwith could be an integer like 1,2 … not less than 1.0

Thank you very much! That solves it.

My final goal is to recreate something similar to what’s shown in the image below. I think it’s one of the surface explorations created for the Mycoscape project (IAAC / Creative Food Cycles / Chiara Farinea, Mohamad Atab, Federica Ciccone, Sotiria Sarri).

Any suggestions on how to improve my trial or what to do in general?

Here is the updated gh script (32.7 KB)

Thanks again!

I am not really sure what they did. Documentation here has no explanation

Here some trials if it can helps

I used a Noise, then transform the scalar to a vector field, then make simulation along field, suppress curves that are near each other, move then depending on the normalized length and noise scalar value. Then Dendro
field IAAC (27.0 KB)