Unable to cap

I am trying to cap a shape, it is fully closed from looking at its properties and using show naked edges. Even drawing a poly-line rectangle and extruding I am unable to cap planar holes. I have attached a picture of the message given when unsuccessful in capping. Any help is appreciated.

rhino cap

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there is absolutely no chance somebody can help if you dont attach your file. many things can happen, the polyline not being completely planar being one of them.

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What the command line message is telling you is that you can’t cap a solid.
Its kinda stupid that they put it in the Solids menu because it will never work on a solid.

The purpose of Cap command is if you have a planar hole (or holes) in a surface or a polysurface it will fill the hole(s). It is equivalent to running DupBorder and then making a planar surface and then joining. It will only work when a hole is planar.
I don’t know what you want to do with your solid, but cap is definitely not the command that will do it.

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