😭 Unable to bake multiple lights from grasshopper in Rhino

Hi everyone!

I am unable to bake multiple lights from grasshopper in Rhino. While grasshopper shows 63 lights created, only one light gets baked into Rhino.

I have blocks from a completed plan representing my lights, and am able to see all the right data/operations being passed around in grasshopper. It shows that I have 63 spotlights. However, when I bake it, I only get one spotlight.

Does anyone know why this happens?

Images here:

Files here:
240725 lighting plan reference for forum.3dm (2.6 MB)
240725 move lights in 3D based on Plan.gh (13.8 KB)

Thanks for the help!
Ariel :slight_smile:

Hi Ariel-

I think this is the result of this bug:

RH-48093 Light objects should be allowed in Block definitions and instances

Thank you Dan!

Have the same problem here too. Only one is baked. Any update on when we can properly bake lights from grasshopper?

Hi Attheeast18, Can you provide more details on what is not working for you?

Everything looks OK in this simple example of baking lights.

Hi, Japhy

Thanks for the fast reply. I also asked this problem in a different thread just now. hehe.

I just found out that Content Cache works well. It’s when I use Elefront as a means of baking is where it fails. I assume that it’s up to the Elefront Team to fix this? Given this assumption, is there a way to “Bake” light objects like the way I would using the Elefront Bake command along with attributes, layer organization?

Hi @Japhy @attheeast18, are you both saying that Content Cache in Grasshopper in Rhino 8 works flawlessly for baking multiple lights at once, even though baking the regular ‘egg’ way only bakes one light?

If that is so that would help a lot in the meantime, actually!