Lighting: Spotlight Creation Workarounds?

Hello rhino community!, I’m curious whether someone has created a bespoke component or workaround they can share that can create spotlights in grasshopper? It’s really annoying that this problem has been unsolved for so long. Vray grasshopper has light creation except for spotlights!. Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Since no one was willing to help, I looked around in the net and found the obscure plugin named Rhino Lights. It’s 6 yrs old but it gets the job done, all one has to do is manually create a light in rhino then it will edit it. There are cons though such as there is no preview in grasshopper, so tweaking is tedious, also it has a baking feature but not a hierarchal one; every time you bake it creates new lights. Does anyone know if there has been development in this area? Can @mcneel improve upon this component so that we have something robust to use as opposed to tediously tweaking or worse,nothing to use at all? Thanks

Hi @attheeast18
Your link, "… These components are based off the fantastic work by Andrew Human’s, Human Tools, and the posts of Luis Fraguada. "
@andheum, @fraguada

I know that, it’s literally written on the page.

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By using the @ notation with their usernames, they will be notified to look at this thread.

You are making an assumption. It’s much more likely that no one had an answer to your question.

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Well, it was meant as a general thread. Also, I don’t know specifically who to tag. I agree it’s probably because the people reading don’t have an answer. But I just don’t want the thread to be piled on with threads, so I did in fact tag Mcneel. That’s why I replied to myself. I actually asked Andrew Heumann about developing light tools and he said that it isn’t in active development anymore.

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