Trying to connect Romer 7525 to Rhino 8

I am a brand new user to Rhino and just downloaded Rhino 8. The primary need is to digitize from a Romer 7525, so I am trying to get that verified to work first during the 90 day trial.
When I try to connect to the Romer I get a “RDS services not running” message, however I do have RDS running. Any ideas?

This is probably a question for Hexagon Romer support.

You are sure the driver is compatible with your version of Windows?
Like maybe you need a newer version, or perhaps an older one?

There are some forum post about using Romer arms with Rhino … you can use the forum search function to find those.

Thanks for the reply! The romer works fine, and I am starting to suspect that there is some conflicts from running the “Reverse Engineering” software a few months ago. I doubt they or Hexagon will help as this is an older romer I bought used, and the RE software (for Fusion 360) I no longer have the trial for that either. At $6k, I see what looks like the same functionality in Rhino, and I’d happily go with a ~$1k license here if it can take my points in.

I have confirmation from Hexagon that RDS is compatible with Rhino 8. I actually for a couple days, not doing anything consciously different - That Rhino WOULD connect to the Romer. I started getting into the learning curve with Rhino…now it is NOT CONNECTING again.

One clue I do notice is that the RDS window does look like it is connecting as I go to connect the Romer in Rhino. I see the “no client connected” message go away. As soon as I click “OK” in Rhino on the “RDS not running” error - the “no client message” returns in RDS…

Wanted to share a preliminary update on the progress here. I was incredibly impressed that Rhino and Hexagon worked together on this, and now I have an evaluation license to test out the new plug-in that I can say DOES run and connect seamlessly with the Romer arm. SO thanks to the Rhino Development Team as well as Hexagon who provided an arm to Rhino for this effort. So far I have at least verified connectivity, and can create points like crazy. But now I have to fight through the learning curve to see if I can get some productive output in my tasks. I am reverse engineering, and inspecting with the Romer/Rhino. My “plan A” was to use Rhino to digitize/reverse engineer complex shapes, and send the point cloud or some primitive geometry to Fusion360 for further refinements. I would devote myself to RHino if there were a CAM module…(is there one?)