Hi there! I am quite new to grasshopper and am having trouble figuring out why this triangular surface does not extrude to the same length of the blue box. I would like the extrusion to be the same length as the blue box so that upon changing the diameter they will both be the same length.
@tuenip you are feeding a line (edge from the rectangular brep, hi-lighted in yellow here) into the Direction input of the Extrude component. This input is expecting a Vector. If you hover your mouse over the Direction input, you will see that it is being converted to a unit vector (-1,0,0).
@tuenip sorry about that, it didn’t occur to me to open the gh file in Rhino 7
in any case, for educational purposes, here’s another way doing the exact same thing as @kev.r
i’ve run into this problem as i was creating my own c# script. the particular case there was that i wanted to get a particular edge after a rail revolve… Long story short, i’m suspecting that the brep topology ordering isn’t reliant on a random number generator, and it would be nice to know the system behind the ordering - at least in some cases