Trouble Accessing Inherited Attribute


I’m writing a function in python to locate the center point of an angular dimension, and I encountered the following problem. I have an instance of Rhino.DocObjects.AngularDimensionObject, and I can’t access either its AngularDimensionGeometry attribute or its AnnotationGeometry attribute. According to the documentation, it should have both of these attributes, but the exception I’m getting says otherwise. Is it possible the documentation is out of date?

I’m using Rhino Version 5 SR14 64-bit on Windows 10.



Hi @Measure,

If you are using Rhino 5, then you should be referencing the following API, as your link points to the Rhino 6 API:

In RhinoCommon for Rhino 5, the annotation classes were incomplete. Thus it’s doubtful the classes will be of much help.

To solve this in V5, you might consider exploding the dimension (or a copy of it) and then find the center point of the resulting arc.

– Dale

Thanks! I was able to get it to work by exploding a copy as you suggested.