[trivial solution] Find neighboring BREP (curved surface)

Hi all,

I split a polysurface (not planar) into segments with voronoi3d but, the second part of my project needed to make ‘bridges’ that run between adjacent segments.

What would be a good way to manage this kind of graph-like relationship in GH?

I found this discussion but got stuck trying to adapt it to my problem Find neighbouring cells - #7 by inno

Thanks a ton!

no gh?
If no geometry things will become guessing, not solving.

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I think a solid first approach would be to get some sort of adjacency matrix maybe calculated on the voronoi3D division-cells, and eventually have the split parts of your polysurface “inherit” those

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Thanks a lot for your help @Quan_Li and @inno !

It turns out adjacency matrix is what I need.
My data are BREP patches that happen to be join-able so, the BREP Topology module came to the rescue!

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