Triple Hexagon Weave Pattern with Surface Bridging

Hey Guys, im desperatly trying to get my Definition for a Study work on the next level. So far i managed to get a Triple hexagon weave pattern (with he Glorious help of this Forum) using Meshes into Catmull clark.
What im now trying to do is create a Surface bridge to Surface on the direct opposite. I managed to make a definition for a Single of these modules with severall methods but a have to get it in my newest to do researches on it with Galapagos and Ladybug. My first intention was to MeshDifference it with Cylinders and than lofting the Surface bridge from graph mapper scaled curves. Didnt work. My next idea was to setup the mesh before Catmull clark but i simply dont get the datastructure to do so. Would be great if any of you guys has an idea i can research on. Thanks so much in Advance ill put both definitions and some photos under this (95.0 KB) (21.8 KB)

im going to get crazy about this. Still didnt find an Answer. Would very appreceate if anyone could help me

Hi Sandro - Can you give a concise description of exactly what it is you need help with? I’ve read through your post but not entirely sure what you’re after!

Hi Matt, on the first picture you see a sinlge module with the surface bridge. On the second picture you see triple hexagonal weave without the surface bridge. Im struggleing so hard to get them into the pattern. I think i have to manipulate the mesh before Catmull Clark subdivision, but i cant get it right.

I’ve had a look at the single version and come up with a simpler way to define the surface bridge by using a rail revolve:

Not sure about your process of getting this into your larger weave. Creating a single version using surfaces seems a little irrelevant if your end goal is creating multiple instances in a mesh where the overall shape, scale, creation method etc will be quite different. The exact techniques I’ve used above won’t be useful in the mesh version without a decent amount of rewriting. However the overall theory (cut circular holes, use the edge to create a revolution surface) should still be applicable.

ModuleSurfaceBridge (99.6 KB)

Thanks mate, ill try to implement this approach.

This isn’t quite what you’re after, but is pretty close. You might be able to this as a base to explore other options. There’s potential for it to work for you I think, but I’ve given it enough time now :slight_smile: (34.5 KB)