I’m trying to subdivide the surface equally. Any help ? Final objective is to create a Diagrid structure from the subdivisions.
Tower 5.gh (501.6 KB)
I’m trying to subdivide the surface equally. Any help ? Final objective is to create a Diagrid structure from the subdivisions.
Ok. How do i fix that the easiest way ?
I don’t know.
Could you explain me why Grafting worked ?
Because the output of Divide Domain² is grafted, one branch for each face. So each face gets subdivided.
You could also try remeshing the original brep: first use a quite refined triangular mesh, then use the quad remesher (you need the previous step because the quad remesher only takes a mesh as input). Then diagonalise as per @HS_Kim 's suggestion. This might give a more even distribution, although with perhaps more singularities (which you may not want). You need to tweak the options and parameters for these two components.
That’s interesting. But Diagrids mean they have to be straight, since floor will come upon the nodes. You can see that they follow the form of the mesh, thus going in zigzags in the z direction. Not optimal. I’m trying to fix this by creating Contours from the original Brep and then lofting from these Contours.
Ok it doesn’t work. Any idea how to make the lines straight ? The Isotrim function is powerfull, but it seems to follow the lines of the Brep. Is there a way to make parametrize those lines to be flat, no movement in Z direction ?