Trim with Region Bug

Good day,

I’m encountering a problem with the Trim with Region component. There are curves it doesn’t trim in that it’s still counted as inside the region.

Trim with Region (24.6 KB)

Region must contain closed curves.

I plugged in my surfaces directly as a region, it should be a closed region by then. It should trim the line considering it trimmed the others. I’m thinking maybe it’s a tolerance issue?

You use Graft a lot so I am not sure if that is a bug or not.
If you just want to trim, why not just draw a closed curve on the XY plane?

Trim with Region (30.8 KB)

Is it not true that if I plug in my surface into the region input it automatically converts it to a closed curve? So all the things you mentioned I’ve already done.

I think it could be a bug, for sure it does not behave as expected to my eyes

maybe @wim knows more about this :slight_smile:

stupid experiment: 6 lines and a square, two lines lie exactly on square edges (10.1 KB)


if the lines are flipped the same problem appears on the opposite side:

just for the sake of experimenting, shatter gives correct results:

just because of the particular situation in this unique case, flipping the original curves produce a result that happens to be correct, but the general case will still be wrong:

Trim with Region (31.5 KB)

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Thank you for commenting on this. If memory serves correctly, I think i saw a similar thread with the issue being the tolerance. Coz when it comes to edges touching with edges i think in rhino it could be buggy. Hopefully mcneel fixes this soon.

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Thanks @attheeast18, the document tolerance was the problem in my case!