I have found a nice video regarding triangular surface optimization.
For the result Masmachine is needed. I have installled Kangaroo physics but it doesnt include Meshmachine. Anyone can tell me how can I get it?
I have found a nice video regarding triangular surface optimization.
I think this is the mosta actual version : https://www.grasshopper3d.com/forum/topics/re-meshing-mesh-achieving-more-regular-triangles
it is not part of Kangoroo Phisics anyway?
Please help!
As far as I know not
What’s exactly the Problem?
In the video it appears that Meshmachine is part of Kangaroo Phisics. But after I install Kangaroo Physics Meshmachine does not appear. My problem is that I dont now how to install, and where can I find the version can be found in the video.
I dont believe that the video contains a 5!! year old stuff.
Whether you believe it or not, K2 does not include meshmachine.
I did not say that. I am just saying it is not likely that in this video contains a 5 year old stuff.
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