I’m using Tri Remesh & Remesh by Color to get a nice gradient Triangular Mesh.
Of course the Checkerboard afterwards is not even. Is there a way to get my nice gradient Tri Mesh to a Hexagonal Mesh? (regular Checkerboard)
I’m using Tri Remesh & Remesh by Color to get a nice gradient Triangular Mesh.
Of course the Checkerboard afterwards is not even. Is there a way to get my nice gradient Tri Mesh to a Hexagonal Mesh? (regular Checkerboard)
Hi @Ludwig_Ebert
The results of remeshing usually have all or nearly all vertices surrounded by either 5,6 or 7 vertices. In order to allow division into a checkerboard pattern, these would need to be only 4,6 or 8. This might be possible with a change to the code, but it’s quite constraining and I don’t think it would allow very smooth gradient of sizes.
What is it for? An alternative way to get a checkerboard from any triangulation would be to divide each triangle into 6 by connecting vertices and edge midpts to a center point. So from an approximately equilateral triangle, you’d get 6 30,60,90 triangles.
Thank you! @DanielPiker
The Goal is to build a wooden structure based on the triangles. The division of the triangles into 6 smaller triangles is a smart idea, but the sharp angles at the connection points are not possible to build because of the width of our modules i guess. Also the different sizes of the Face Boundaries are rather unfavorable.