I have a simple object, the back leg of a dining table. If you look a the screenshots included the top looks like what the front should look like and vice versa. They seem to be swapped.
Try setting your viewports back to default . Do this 2 times to make sure you have your viewports and cplanes back to default. What does it look like then? Not saying that will help but, have to start somewhere. Maybe bigger brains can help.—- Mark
Try typing 4view , see if that helps.
I tried typing 4view and the Top and Front views did not change. What did change is the Perspective view. Instead of the chair (not table as stated) instead of being upright parallel to the Z axis got rotated to the be on the y (grn) axis. Plus where before the bottom of the leg was at the origin it has been offset 5 grid squares.
Seems like it is off 5 grids in your original post. You can always upload the file to the forum if you can. Someone will take a closer look.—-Mark