How to install a RUI toolbar created in the previous version 7.0 ?
hi @user1956 you can import them here:
Since toolbars are stored differently in V8, make sure to save these under a different name. Overwriting them means you will no longer be able to load them in V7
Is this the right place for custom toolbars?
AFAIK, there is no fixed location where you need to install toolbars, but I would not install custom toolbars in that plugin folder. Better install them in a custom folder that you know is not managed by the system.
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Is it still possible to save a .rui toolbar in Rh8?
The menu in toolbar suggests so, but if I try opening the saved toolbar it doesnt show the newly created buttons.
If containers are the new standard for saving Rh8 Macros, can I compile them in a .rhi file like as we used to with .rui in Rhino7?
Yes, it is still possible to open, create and save .rui’s, however there are a number of bugs with saving the .rui files currently, so if you can I would hold off on doing anything with them for a little while longer, McNeel is actively working on the fixes.
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