Toggle button for automatic update property

It could be possibile to get automatic update for e.g. via toggle button for VA Update Property Component?
Thank you


Hi @fn_a,

This is already in our list for future development. I will keep you updated about it.


I would like to bump this thread, this built-in button is very limiting. I recently discovered a fantastic way to update VA Elements using Grasshopper Player or Synapse GUI (or Human UI). This may seem like something insignificant, but in fact, the decision to have this built-in button has serious consequences. A built-in button instead of a boolean input disables a whole bunch of possibilities.
This change seems trivial to me in terms of workload compared to how much it enables.
If you don’t want to change this component now, could you provide a C# Script Component that does the same thing, but has a boolean input?

For now it’s one of the two most important (but small) requests of mine, the other one is this : GH Style Inputs (these wishes really go together and can make GH Styles much more flexible).

Of course the Update Property component must accept a list of geometries for the Property to be updated.

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Hi @Czaja this request is on our wishlist already. (you also asked for it here: Grasshopper Player Update Element Property Values)
I can’t tell you so far when we will be able to implement it, but I’ll keep you posted with any news.

Haha, that would be really funny if not a little sad. I wrote in another thread that I keep coming across my old wishes on the forum, so old that I don’t even remember asking. I missed the thread you linked, I actually asked for it already!

I know I’m just a single user and my negotiating power is zero. I don’t use VisualARQ at work, but I could start, and I know people who could use VisualARQ in their interior design work, those people don’t know Grasshopper and only know a little bit about Rhino.

If my prayers were answered I could relieve them of the burden of making their own VA tools/elements and coming up with workarounds for all the problems they face using Rhino.

+1 on this one.
Thanks @Czaja for bringing it up again.