Would anyone know how to create this tiled cupola dome pattern using either grasshopper or paneling tools?
Would anyone know how to create this tiled cupola dome pattern using either grasshopper or paneling tools?
I put together a quick example in PanelingTools for Rhino.
DomeTilingExample.zip (1.5 MB)
Thanks for you’re help Rajaa! I tried repeating this model… I got lost on the point orient grid portion. Are you referring to the x,y 4th points on the “module” (tile)? I pointed on the coordinates of the tile, then applied it to the surface the dome. I don’t see any result as rhino ends up freezing.
This is my selection. Also, I did not select a base surface (no need in this case, and also it may brelong the calculation quite a bit), it took 3 seconds at my end to generate the panels.
Thank you. Finally got it!