The latest SR13 (5/23/16)

Hi @pascal,

Has the RC become the official service release? Is this expected to be the last SR13? I’m going to be heading south to our facility in Kentucky, and I’d like to upgrade all of their Rhino licenses to SR13 while I’m there. However, I don’t want to do so it this one isn’t final.



@brian - this is the one, in theory, right?


Any word internally as to whether or not this is the final release?



Hi Dan - Brian says ‘I sure hope so’ but also cautions that every time, so far, that we think we’re done, something turns up and it has to be changed. The context of this release, by the way, is almost purely to support Flamingo nXt better. Other than that, there is no real reason you’d need to update sooner rather than later, or for that matter, update at all.


Hi Pascal,

For me personally I could use those fixes regarding Flamingo. For everyone else, I guess it won’t matter that much.

Thanks for the information.
