This panel does not appear in the last update of rhino 8 wip
Rhino WIP Feature: Constraints:
constraints will not make it to V8. see topic linked above.
so maybe they got removed / cleaned for WIP-V8 ?
we might see them again in the WIP V9 ?
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I think it is too early to abandon this project for Rhino 8 as it takes time for users to integrate and explore for new solutions, with the constraints it could help the architecture and engineering industry here an example
Minute 6:53
It should be noted that I am aware that the constraints in rhino are in their early stages, but every great project starts small until it later gains momentum
Based on previous updates, very soon after Rhino 8 is released Rhino 9 WIP will be available for download to anyone who has purchased a Rhino 8 license. My guess, and only a guess as I am not associated with McNeel is constraints will be available in Rhino 9 WIP early in its development.
I am interested in moving from Revit to Rhino. The lack of a constraint system which can bind objects to surfaces or CPlanes is the biggest obstacle I have encountered. Changing the distance between floors or moving walls is effortless in Revit because its constraint system keeps furniture on the floor and windows in position when the distance between floors (levels) is changed. Similarly, baths and casework, etc. move as walls are repositioned. A constraints system should be a strong commercial priority to make Rhino more attractive to architectural users.
Constraint is basic stuff for cad. Why no use case? I am starting to think that V8 don’t have much going for it! Dark theme and push and pull? Both is standard for your competitors ages ago! Actually I am thinking of switching to other cad program, so I could have that feature! Yes, you could program it, or using grasshopper, but why use cad? It call computer aided design for a reason. Or maybe rhino is for a very special market?!