Rhino v8 Constraints [windows]

in rhino 8 wip, there was the constraints command.
In the stable version, i cannot find this option.

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Yes because it is not a finished product yet. So development will continue for V9 there is still much to do. So if you have a V8 license soon you will be able to download and test V9 WIP.


so we are talking at least 2-3 years before v9 Stable will be released to have constraints option.

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No, it should be available in the soon to be released V9 WIP. You will need to have a paid license of V8 to use it though.

McNeel is saying there arenā€™t/havenā€™t been enough users of the feature to give feedback on development, which is a bit why it is in limbo.

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Also I can say itā€™s best this way.
Constraints need more dev time.
Rhino 8 new features and details needs to be fixed and cleaned up.
Prematurely releasing constrains would leech dev time from more important stuff that have priorityā€¦

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Constraints existed in AutoCAD for a decade. They never became mainstream (at least in AEC) thatā€™s why we need to make it so good to convince people of using it.

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AECā€¦ Everyone is using Revit and constraints arenā€™t convincing?

The truth is that people are too lazy to learn new thing and you have to force themā€¦
Did you now that meme of man pushing a square wheel and another suggesting to change it with a circular one?!?!

Revits Constraints are part of bigger and more complex feature set called ā€œParametricsā€ it contains

1- positional constraints and parameters
2- reporting parameters
3- visibility parameters
4- parametric labels
5- project and shared parameters
7- relationship expressions and conditional statements
8- ability of nesting families (blocks) and controlling size, shape and visibility from the host file.
9- scheduling and tabulations of categories, quantities and parameters.

Revit is an example of a successful implementation of constraints. And it shows that most of the architects who graduated in the last 20 years feels very comfortable navigating through that space.

Iā€™d also argue that revit is too constrained for what rhino can do. For example it has no constraints support for splines , eleptical shapes and forms . Unexpected results with radial and rotational constraints and impossible support for ruled surfaces.

looking forward to it :beers:

Itā€™s somewhat unfortunate that Riccardo posted a link to my post further up in this thread, and not the thread that I linked to in that other thread.

The point is that, unless users provide real examples where a constraints function would be useful, this is not something that is going to be worked on in the foreseeable future. Constraints is not in the Rhino 9 WIP that I am running.

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Well, Iā€™ve been thinking lots about this during the majority of this year. And Iā€™d say that my approach for now will be in attempt to implementing GH the best I can to try gaining some parametric control for pretty much even just the ā€˜basicsā€™ for now.

See, from my perspective GH has become a epiphany of a ā€˜parametricā€™ approach, but itā€™s missing the most basic and most intuitive approach (imo), from the standpoint of ā€˜parametric solid modelingā€™ ā€“ that, imo, most of the ā€˜parametric solid modelersā€™ (in the world) are accustomed to.

So, Iā€™ll be ā€˜beginning at the beginningā€™ per say, and doing whatever I can to basically simulate how I think ā€˜parametric solid modelersā€™ would approach certain problems, starting with the very basic ones.

Over time I might develop a workflow that becomes compromised into some type of hybrid.

Depending on what GH has to offer, etc., weā€™ll see whatā€™s possible.

This is interesting:

It sounds weird: how we can tell you if this is good or not if we canā€™t try it?
Itā€™s too overlapping with bongo Ik?
Yes if you look to architect they would tell you is pointless like they did with parametric cads for decadesā€¦ But now now one can live without Revit.
Give to product designer a good sketcher, with nice Constraints and ik and you will see applications growing like plants.

Constraint best fan