TextObject vertical spacing with multiple lines

I’m curious as to whether there is a way to control the vertical spacing when using the TextObject command. What if a user wanted the gap larger? Is there a way to control that (advanced settings maybe?) Could it be a percentage of the font height?



I’m pretty sure that gap setting is part of the font definition itself.

That did cross my mind.



The only work-around I can think of is to make each line a separate line of text and position them manually.

What we currently do is just sub-object select the second line and use the gumball. It’s a pretty easy process. I was just curious about where that gap comes from and if it’s adjustable (via scripting was my real goal).



If you want really well typeset text which warrants the effort, you can set it up in a suitable app, print to pdf and import into Rhino. Here’s some text that was formatted in Word (simply to demonstrate variable line spacing, but it could have been properly kerned too):

You also have the advantage that you can keep the text in an editable form - helpful if you have long text that can be subject to revision.

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Hi -
I’ve added this thread to RH-29703.

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