Text dot font size for print setting gone in Rhino8?

This is a near-identical post to an old Rhino 7 post back from January 2023, where the setting to change the size of the text dot fonts when printing an image disappeared. The same seems to have happened again with Rhino 8, as I can still do it with Rhino 7, but not with the latest version of Rhino 8. Could this be fixed please?

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yes I raised this about a month or so ago, it needs to be put back please McNeelies :blush:

Dots have a height property so different dots could be printed with different heights. Would it make more sense to have a scale entry in the print dialog to allow for scaling all of the individual heights?

This would be fantastic! I believe it would be a more refined solution.

I’ve added this thread to RH-47981 Wish - Printing annotation dots in different sizes

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I also would like to support this wish. We use dots in the company very often for many reasons and we would like to print them adequately.

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Howdy! Question… Does the dot “height” property currently affect the printed text dot size? I’m on version 8.6 and can’t seem to change the text dot size when printing. It’s a consistently small size when I create the pdf. On the display, I can adjust text dot heights in “properties” and see their respective heights change. This doesn’t seem to affect their heights in the print settings. Previously, the feature “text dot font size” was available in “non scaling objects” under print settings, but I no longer see this. I’ve explored linetypes and annotation styles for a fix but can’t seem to find anything. I’ve also checked out the various support tickets to no avail. Perhaps I’m overlooking something, as I’m new to this program.

FOR CONTEXT: A client provided me with an assembly file containing over 2600 annotation dots corresponding to unique parts that I need to efficiently print for a crew to intuitively construct. This scaling issue with dots could seriously impact my timeline if I don’t find an efficient workflow.

I could convert them to “text” but it does not seem ideal.
I could also play with importing pdfs into photoshop to resize, in order to better see the dots in relation to the other objects.
Lastly, I’ve thought about downloading a previous version of rhino that has the print setting features I need.

test print

a screen shot of annotation dots before print in the viewport

I would download Rhino7 and use it as a workaround in the meantime until they get this sorted out in Rhino8 - it was the only solution I could use as a quick fix.

Hi Wim,
can Text Dot Size in PrintSetup
be enabled again in V8 in the meantime that RH-47981 is addressed?

Currently in v8 there is no control at all now to manage Dot Text Size in print output and this is a blocker.
I cannot neither print in v7 as layers on/off behaviour of layouts has changed.

Allowing different dots text height could be useful but in my opinion it should be given as replacement or added feature without removing v7 like functionality.

Hi Luca -

That part is on the list as RH-71644 File IO: Export → PDF: Sizing Dot objects

Hi Wim,
what I was asking was:

Is it possible enable again v7 style functionality
in the meantime you work on new features?


Hi Luca -

I can try to rephrase what I wrote.
RH-71644 is about getting the Rhino 7 setting back.

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RH-47981 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 14

RH-71644 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 14