Testing Rhino File Locking: Dicey Results!

“But you should not expect this - the second user is not opening the same file, they are opening a local copy on their own hard drive which will get its own rhl file.”

This is incorrect. They are opening the copy on their harddrive, and it already has an rhl file. Morever, rhino won’t over-write that file. What happens is:

  1. If user2 opens myFile.3ds.rhl, they will see user1’s information.
  2. When user2 opens myFile.3ds.rhl once in rhino, their copy of myFile.3ds.rhl still has user1’s information
  3. At that point, if they open myFile.3ds.rhl a second time, they will get the message "File in use by user1

If your claim were correct, at step two user2 would see their own information in the rhl file.

Pascal, in your opinion it has to do with rhino’s behavior against file copies rather than network file resources. We agree here, but I believe this behavior breaks a valuable and important use case.

In other words, this behavior, reasonable as it may be, causes problems and can be fixed without much effort. In return, rhino would support a value adding use-case in today’s cloud-heavy environment.

Can you please agree with me here, and get me in contact with the next step in the bug triage process?