I want the bolt to go through three parts, how do I do that, please.
What’s wrong with me, please. How should data correspond
The bolt passes through three parts, the default main part is purlins, and the 1 and 2 selected are brackets
When three parts are selected, as a result, the bolt still goes through two parts
Hi Sebastian Lindholm,
I want the bolt to go through three parts, how do I do that, please.
What’s wrong with me, please. How should data correspond
The bolt passes through three parts, the default main part is purlins, and the 1 and 2 selected are brackets
When three parts are selected, as a result, the bolt still goes through two parts
Hi Ward,
The data input seems ok, but I think you need to increase the value of the Cut length attribute. I got this to work:
Work it out ,You’re really good. I’m gonna keep going. Thank you so much!
Hi Sebastian Lindholm,
How did the bolt Bake into Rhino? I tried it. Did the bolt go wrong!I used: Convert to brep
That seems to be the solids that come out of the API yes. I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it in the link.
How much does this matter in your scenario - i.e. is it just a visual thing?
hi @sebastian.lindholm
How About the holes when we create the profiles with holes it shows as solids part not homes (only in holes created with bolts )
any suggestions ??
Hi Rajeev, are you asking about bolt holes? They might not be part of the part solid returned from the API either. Perhaps perform a boolean cut with the solids from the bolts on the solid from the part after you’ve brought both into Grasshopper.
First of all, thank you for your prompt reply, I just want to see it in Rhino and know its quantity
I’m not sure if there’s anything built for handling duplicates, apart from this Organizer workaround:
You could of course use the Object pipeline component to bring everything into Grasshopper, devonstruct the objects and then create your own logic to compare end points etc. Here’s someonw using that apporach:
If these duplicates are being created by Grasshopper you might find this FAQ entry useful:
It worked. Thank you very much.
To view the bolt locations as points you can use the Expand Object component and check the BoltPositions output.
You can also measure the length of this list to get the number of bolts (although there’s probably a property you could query for that as well, I’d imagine.
Sebastian Lindholm,Thank you ~
Hi Sebastian Lindholm, Sorry to disturb you ,It shows a problem. Somebody help me。no duplicate elements!
Check the data tree at connections
I think grasshopper link is also the problem, Data Issues
Here’s a checklist of things that might cause duplicated objects (assuming the data input structure is correct)
I’m sorry, I just saw it. Thank you for your answer