Hi everyone.
I am beginner in grasshopper.
I have two questions.
ASK 1a:
I don’t know why in this case the component “Surface split” gives me the surface with rounded edges? But I want to receive sharp/straight edge. I tried make this with “loft” but gives me a “brep”, and I have played with graft, flatted but with not a good result.
ASK 1b:
I wanted to split this main surface by all edges (curves) that we see (vertical and horizontal curves, skewed), to extract smaller surfaces.
I almost made it (with uses “flip matrix”) but the edges were rounded, and than I started change everything, and then I was being lost at all.
One of you are definitely a guru who know the easier and a smarter way to achieve it.
Any help would be much appreciated,
(Sorry for my English).
ps. Maybe you know a better way to do these “horizontal” lines?