Surface extrusion along two curves

Hi everyone,
I’m a Grasshopper newbie and I’m working on a project where I want to extrude a specific surface (the bottom surface) of my mesh. The bottom part needs to be adjustable, while the top stays fixed. I’ve made a simple example to show what I’m trying to achieve.
The problem is that I can’t seem to ‘sweep’ my botton ellips along the geometry to make more streamlined and not just the bottom surface extruded along the z-axis (marked in yellow is what I want to achieve). I’ve tried different approaches (sweep, extrude along…) :)), but I feel like I’m missing or forgetting something crucial for quite a simple solution, but again, I’m new to Grasshopper and I’m still learning :slight_smile:
I’d really appreciate any tips or guidance!
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

base example code without extrusion (20.4 KB)

I think the easiest solution would be to add an ellypse to your list of Lofted curves, taking care of having that ellypse always on XY plane, and then move all the other Loft curves along +Z by the amount you want to extend the whole geometry, then Loft everything together just once

on a side note, I don’t know what the final solid will be used for, but if it’s a vase of some sort then you might want to be able to set the size of its base (the first ellipse on XY) in a very precise way, as that is one of those things that much contribute to the stability of the vase itself

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