Surface/ Edge Extrusion

Hello everyone,
I’m trying to extrude a textured surface to form a cube with five flat faces. Could someone help me with this?
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I’m getting an error. Can you tell me why?

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Check if this is works for you. Only the issue I see is the extruded surface to be out of the cutting surface for it to make the edges straight.

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Why are there two replies without code attached :question:

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Thank you!

Lol what’s the problem with handing out a net instead of the fish from time to time? :stuck_out_tongue: Help is help

When the OP posts code they deserve code in reply. Images of code miss details.

Instead of using the Y vector we could use the PlFit (Plane Fit) Z vector:

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Not sure anyone deserves anything. I guess I am a terrible samaritan haha. However, when the OP asks for help and they get help from three people I’d say he’s quite fortunate :slight_smile:. Congrats on trying @eiman.graiz! I trust you will forgive me :wink:
On the other hand I sent you a smoke signal to come rescue another user yesterday and you didn’t come to succor them, very mean of you @Joseph_Oster, it was low hanging fruit :laughing: !

Yes, your help was useless.

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I am working hard for that ‘useless helper’ badge :rofl: