I want to divide a mesh into a certain number of divisions in U and V directions, just like what the Mesh UV component in Grasshopper does. However, I can’t find any methods or properties in the rhino api (C#) that will do it for me.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
(Dale Fugier)
October 19, 2022, 10:56pm
I am not familiar with this. Can you upload a .GH file that uses this?
– Dale
I uploaded the file here. It is a very simple use of this component which can give points in u and v directions.
Example.gh (3.7 KB)
(Dale Fugier)
October 20, 2022, 4:34pm
Hi @Sina_Khalilvandi_Beh ,
OK, the “Mesh” division threw me off, as the component you’re interested in divides surfaces, not meshes.
There a simple example:
private Point3d[] DivideSurfaceBySegments(Surface surface, int uCount, int vCount)
if (null == surface || uCount < 2 || vCount < 2)
return new Point3d[0];
var domainU = surface.Domain(0);
var domainV = surface.Domain(1);
var stepU = (domainU.Max - domainU.Min) / uCount;
var stepV = (domainV.Max - domainV.Min) / vCount;
var points = new List<Point3d>();
for (var vi = 0; vi < vCount + 1; vi++)
for (var ui = 0; ui < uCount + 1; ui++)
var u = domainU.Min + stepU * ui;
var v = domainV.Min + stepV * vi;
points.Add(surface.PointAt(u, v));
return points.ToArray();
– Dale
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If that’s the case, the title should be changed to something like “divide surface script”
Thanks @dale
It helped me a lot.
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