I would like to subdivide a surface with random length panels on V direction. So far everything works fine with the random lengths. But what if I would like to opimize it a little bit
But what if I would like to opimize it a little bit by keeping an aligment based on same size panels?
So in that case every panel could be subdivided on panels of the same dimensions
Hello Kim! Thank you very much for your help and your effort, It is kind of close on what I am trying to achieve and I am sorry that maybe I didn’t explain it in the best way.
The thing is that I have to create subdivisions that each of them can be subdivided further on equal panels. So in that case, for example, pink rectangles are the random (almost random) lengths and black lines their equal subdivisions. So if we refer to the equal size panels as “A” then one pink rectangle consists of 5A, one 4A, one 3*A, etc… So by color on that reference image, it is kind of we have color groups that create one element with their repetition. And what we randomize is the number of “A” repetition as I see it!
So in my mind, I have 2 possible definitions ( that I still don’t know how to create in GH )
Either you create the pink different length panels but make sure that each of them is a multiplication of a number “A” so you can divide them later with that
you create the panel “A” and then you randomize the number of multiplication to create elements with different lengths…
That is more or less what you did above but is it possible to create lists of panels or groups as on the refernce imageto separate with each other and use them afterwards for some kind of transformation?
I hope it is a bit more clear than before! Thank you again!
Then, check this as well. I think everything you need has already been provided.
I’ve used mesh this time for faster calculations of extruding panels.