Hi guys, just wanted to show the first SubD file (as .obj) I have sent to 3D print in porcelain at Shapeways.
This is a watercolor mixing dish for travelling. Lid will be made of wood and elastic bands to hold it in place.
And here’s the mesh I made in Rhino with my custom tools.
(I keep my fingers crossed for a SubDfromMesh solution for V6. If so I’ll put down the hours to refine them and make a cheap public available version of them)
Edit: I got a thickness issue with the ceramic material so I swapped to porcelain at Shapeways instead. They use a minimum wall thickness of 3mm. I’ll post a picture of the final object in a week or so. Here’s a link to the material: https://www.shapeways.com/materials/porcelain-ceramic
Very cool tray! Curious, how large is it? And how much is materialize charging for the ceramic model?
Do you mean that if there leave the conversion command included in the shipping version of V6 (vs. staying only in WIPs) you then would consider making a plugin?
Pricing for ceramics, which is 0.165 Euro/cm², is based on the surface area of your model, not on the volume of material used. A minimum of 30 Euro applies. The minimum drops gradually to 20 Euro after 5 pieces. source: 3D Printing Materials | High Quality Materials | i.materialise
The max bounding box is 125 × 125 × 200 mm and the tray is 14x124x197. The initial design was 250 wide, so I had to do some adjustments. Limits forces adaption and now I even prefer this version.
Yeah, that’s what I mean. The tools I make are just mesh modelling tools so it’s manageable as McNeel has already added the most important tools that I need to rely on. It will of course be free while I develop it, and not pricy after, but getting some of the hours covered would be nice.
Spot on and now it will be printed in porcelain from Shapeways instead since it supports thinner walls, and they are even cheaper:
Price $9.00 per part
$0.10 per surface area cm2
I have printed in ceramics before and the result is really nice so it will be very interesting to see porcelain now. I’ll add pictures when it arrives!
[quote=“Holo, post:4, topic:41966”][quote=“gustojunk, post:2, topic:41966”]
Do you mean that if there leave the conversion command included in the shipping version of V6 (vs. staying only in WIPs) you then would consider making a plugin?
Yeah, that’s what I mean. The tools I make are just mesh modelling tools so it’s manageable as McNeel has already added the most important tools that I need to rely on. It will of course be free while I develop it, and not pricy after, but getting some of the hours covered would be nice.
What is the reason for that? When they remove the command from V6 your tools can be used in V7/WIP instead?
Hi Marcus.
WIP is the Alpha/Beta fase of development and not suited for production as core elements are due to chaning and causing instability and crashing. Reliability is key for production and surpasses speed and new features by a long mile when it comes to professional use. Many users in pro environents are not allowed to install betasoftware so they will not be able to use the wip.
Did that answer your question?
Yes and no. I guess there are a lot of people left who decide on their own what is being installed on their machine. I think. I don’t know for sure, of course… So, no matter what McNeel does, I would give you my money. (Especially, because I tested Clayoo and Fusion and both are .)
Thanks for the info @Holo, regarding the plugin: I think it makes sense to only spend the time building these tools knowing there will be enough real-world Rhino users with access to the conversion tool, not just the wip using minority.
Another reason why the SubDfromMesh command should be in the shipping version of Rhino. Or have the McNeel team write you a check for the effort and release it to just us: the pack on lonely wolves.
True, it’s the same thing, I have just been too busy working on other projects. Now I just recompiled it to work with the latest WIP’s and this is the first time I have used it for an actual project and not just playing with it.
To me the SubD geometry and the current SubDfromMesh implementation is robust enough to include in V6 as a low profile feature. And then it can evolves in V7 WIP. So I keep my fingers crossed.