subD MultiPipe not symmetrical

Hi everyone,
I am building a kind of tripod, see the picture.
I am using the SubD MultiPipe command, the result is not symmetrical.

it is just straight lines rotated 120 degrees.

Does anybody know how to overcome this?

Thanks a lot,

file, or it did not happen.


build the entire object
delete 2/3, keep 1/3 (=120 degree)
do some construction lines and adjust the remaining third, setPt is great for stuff like this.


Join / merge the 3 parts.

check if the reflect-command finally supports rotational symmetry.
(this was discussed and might already be implemented)

_reflect supports rotational symmetry finally
the command is called


kandelaar_grasshopper2.3dm (133.3 KB)

thank a lot, I am going to try that. It will help me out in the short run.
But I am going to use it in a grasshopper script…than I need it to be symmetrical by itself.
Is that possible with the subDmultipPipe itself, or is it in the logic of the tool that a tri pod is not (rotational) symmetrical.

than please add the grasshopper tag to your initial post, and also in the text

Hi @Biglint,

For in Rhino I think @Tom_P’s suggestion of using the ‘Radiate’ command is best.

In Grasshopper your curve inputs actually already result in a 3 fold rotational and reflection symmetrical result.
This is because the multipipe solver still actually works a little differently between the command and the gh component.
The Rhino one prioritises producing a subd of strictly all-quads and 4 sided pipes, whereas the GH one allows a few more 3 sided faces, but tends to produce symmetrical results from symmetrical inputs when possible.
For many inputs such as this one it’s just not possible to have both properties at once (4 sided pipes & all quads vs 3 fold symmetry).

In future versions it will become possible to choose between these approaches in both the command and the component.

For this specific case you could actually model a 3 fold symmetric all quad result manually by varying the number of sides on the pipes, but it is very tricky to do this in a fully automated way that works with everything else.


Hello Daniel,
Thanks , for now I don’t get it completely, I’'l get back when I did some more research.

Here’s the gh file for the above.
The NodeSize and SizePoints inputs allow you to control the thickness of the pipe at specific locations (7.1 KB)

Thanks a lot,
I was already looking at some of your examples, and fiddling around with the NodeSize and the SizePoints.
Like this it do is 3 fold symmetric? It is kind of hard to see.
(I started noticing it was not symmetrical when I made a 3d print. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)

Here some real life results.