I encounter situations like below, where a crease is curved in a very strange way (red).
Should be curved towards the left side (green).
Is there a way to adjust these curves?
As you can see the control mesh is very simple.
Thank you!
I encounter situations like below, where a crease is curved in a very strange way (red).
Should be curved towards the left side (green).
Is there a way to adjust these curves?
As you can see the control mesh is very simple.
Thank you!
Can you post you file.
250110 crease curvature.3dm (1.2 MB)
Could you give it a try with SubdCrease +InsertEdge ?
I dont know if your limited to just using creases but i dont like them. Id add support loops and fan out the vertices at the bottom.
yees, ok, but that’s not what I’m after.
I want to modify that particular curve that makes the crease.
There are no curves in SubD, only the control net and resulting surfaces. SubD is fundamentally different than NURBS.
you beat me to it.
I only use creases if I’m going to add a mechanical filet late after I convert to nurbs.