SubD: Crease to Variable Weight Transition a Bit Off

Could not the transitions be a bit smoother than this, please?

I might thing that it’s a hidden node, but it’s on both sides.

“SubD objects are highly accurate and can be converted directly to manufacturable solids.”

Seems like the mesh is fine enough.

Also noting that, even if I lower the SubD adoptive meshing, it still throws a lot of mesh in flat areas.

can you post the subd part for this area?

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It detached pretty well, but there is change from the loss of the supporting polygons, SubD gons, tissue? : )

Detach.3dm (148.8 KB)

Noting that: it would be really cools if we detach things without changing their edge. Yes, I know it would a fundamental advancement—err change in SubD rules.

changing your creases a bit (variable crease) seems to fix it here-

I am sorry, but that just pushes the problem upstream to the left. I’ve tried : (

The problem seems to be involving (near) the 100% to Crease transition.

hmmm… can you send more of the part? Hard to help further without knowing where the problem gets pushed to

creases need to be “all variable” or all “hard crease”

you don’t want to mix the two so far in my experience.

I could send it, but not in an open forum.

fair, send it attn: Kyle

I’ll reply via private email add as much info about the problem as possible (screen shots etc)

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I sent the shell file, the 2nd email.
Thank you for looking into this.

BTW, Rhino’s scaling SubD edges is working accurately, now. Thanks : )

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