Subd - can't append face or insert point

Commands not working on subd parts with reflect active:

! _InsertPoint
! _3dFace _Output=_SubD _Append

Looks like InsertPoint was already reported as RH-81085

Version 8 SR6
(8.6.24074.1001, 2024-03-14)

Hey Peter, just seeing this… is it still happening in later service releases? If so can you post a file with steps to repeat?

I’ll get it written up-

See also here

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Re Append - in the attached file, try to append a face to fill the hole.

Create a subd box.
Delete a face.
Turn on Reflect - doesn’t seem to matter where you put the reflection plane, afaik.
Run Append Faces from the subd buttons (or use ! _3dFace _Output=_SubD _Append)
Try to fill the hole.

(Looks like insertpoint is working now.)

appendfail.3dm (50.0 KB)

thanks seeing this here as well-
we’ll get it tuned up asap!

RH-81836 append face fails with reflect on-

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this is fixed in 8.8.24135.10001, 2024-05-14

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RH-81836 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 8 Release Candidate 1. Please try it out

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