SubCrv bug?


when I switch the _SubCrv “Copy=” option from “No” to “Yes” the “Mode=” option disappears. The setting persists from the “Copy=No” option so it can be switched there, but it took me a while and I guess this is not a desired behaviour. It probably should only be 3 modes (Copy, Shorten, MarkEnds) and not a combination of 2x2 since both “Copy=yes” and “Copy=no” do exactly the same when combined with the “MarkEnds” option.

Copy= No Mode=Shorten

Copy= Yes (Mode=Shorten)

Copy= No Mode=MarkEnds

Copy= Yes (Mode=MarkEnds) (Same result as above. Short curve isn´t preserved here either.)

Thank you for looking into this, I´m sure it´s a minor thing.

Hello- it’s not clear tyo me what you would expect as the output if Mode=MarkEnds if Copy=Yes…?


That´s the bug - this posibility shouldn´t exist. But it does and it “breaks” the Copy=Yes function. Try setting the command as Copy=No Mode=MarkEnds and then without doing anything inbetween just switch to Copy=Yes. Then apply the command in this state and observe the behaviour.

If this isn´t replicable, mabe it´s a problem with my installation only.

In any case thank you for your time and effort.


I have the same behavior, I don’t think it is a bug, the idea for the Mode is exclusive to the (Non Copy Option) since you need to determine whether you need to A) shorted . or B) create points to mark the ends. This toggle is not needed since you are creating a new curve so you don’t need to indicate whether you need new marking points or not.

Thank you tay.0 for elaborating. Your answer also inspired me to record the behaviour when applied on the curve. The problem is that while the option correctly dissappears the setting incorrectly persists. Someone forgot to program in that the command switches to “mode=shorten” when it is switched to “copy=yes”.

*edit: Sorry, I´m not very familiar with posting screen recordings. The command line is kind of important and it´s almost missing but the website can be magnified or the gif itself downloaded. I will try to improve on the form next time I record something.

When set to “Copy” You should always get “Shorten”. Why? simply because you are getting a new curve and there is no need to have points to mark curve end.
When setting Copy to No. Rhino gives you 2 options: 1- “Shorten” the curve (Destructive option that permanently alter the geometry of the curve) - or - 2 “Mark Ends” , in this case Rhino will keep the original curve (non-destructive) and will add points to identify where the sub curve starts and ends.

The Mark Ends is very important when you need to find a point on a non-linear curve that is 100" from the specified point.

When set to “Copy” You should always get “Shorten”.

Exactly. But I don´t. That´s the bug. But from the confused replies I would guess that this is only a problem in my installation. It´s a minor thing and I only stumbled on it because it interfered with one of my macros. If this isn´t replicable for other users I´ll close the topic.

What version are you running? Try to make sure that you have the latest.

Should be the latest. But it doesn´t really matter. I like reporting these little things I notice to make every other users life easier. If this is only a problem for me, then it doesn´t matter. Anyway, thank you for your effort :wink:

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