It would be helpful if the ! _ExtendSrf
command has its own “Copy=Yes” option in the Command line, so that the extended surface will co-exist with the original surface. That option should remember the “Yes” or “No” during the session.
Got that, thanks
RH-78247 ExtendSrf: Copy=YesNo
Thank you, @pascal ! I see that it’s scheduled for Rhino 9, so maybe waiting for 3 more years. That is still better than not having the option at all. Cheers!
P.S.: I noticed that there is no link directing to this thread in the page you provided.
There is now.
it is possible with a macro:
Sorry for the question, but what exactly is the point of making a copy of an extension if there is already the possibility of trimming and possibly keeping the two parts separate?
A practical example, I’m missing something…
Avoiding the constant use of Copy and Paste, followed by the unwanted extra mouse clicks necessary for the object selection pop-up menu due to having two copies of the same object before extending one of those. Also, preserving the original surface after extending its copy.
It does not work in my Rhino 7. Maybe because I always use History?
I checked with history and it works fine here.
even nicer with redraw off:
_extendSrf _pause _pause _SetRedrawOff _sellast _copytoclipboard _undo _paste _SetRedrawOn
at which step / where does the macro stop / produce an error ?
are you working with preselecting an edge ? (one _pause less ?)
does it work like this
_selNone _extendSrf _pause _pause _SetRedrawOff _sellast _copytoclipboard _undo _paste _SetRedrawOn
None of these solutions works in my Rhino 7. Here is a short video where I had to manually press the “Paste” icon to get the extended copy of the original surface. Not sure why it will not work with the _Paste
command at the very end of your macro.
did you try with the
instead of copy paste the macro ?
what is really strange: the command “_Paste” from the macro is echoed in the command line
and if it would be a typo I would expect a “unkown command” as feedback…
and the second _Paste looks the same
… sorry I don t see the error.
EDIT: this is how it works here
(doesn t look like paste fails with rational surface ;-D)
For some reason the paste command does not work in my Rhino 7 when used in macro. However, it works as expected when it’s activated as a standalone command or if I press the Ctrl+V key combination.
I will try the Macro editor later.