Sub-Object Selection doesn't work on curve points...why?

Using Ctrl-shift to make a sub-object selection is great and massively speeds up my workflow. It works great in 3D and you can use it to select faces, edges or vertices or surfaces or poly surfaces.

However for curves I can only select curve segments but not control points, which is a real annoyance. I have to manually show the control points (if multiple curves are selected) then move them.

Why is there a discrepancy here? Is there any way of defining which subobjects can be selected by Ctrl-shift?

Hi Ben -

I suppose there might be a reason that I don’t know about. I’ve search this forum and the issues database to find reports about this behavior but didn’t find anything. You might be the first to notice.
At any rate - I’ve put it on the list and we’ll see what the developer says…
RH-70279 Subobject Selection: Doesn’t work on points of curves

I know…weird right? Thought there would be other who this might have affected, though maybe not enough to actually cause them to bring it up as an issue.

Either way, thanks for adding to the pile!

Hi Ben - control points - ‘grips’ - are not subobjects as things are currently designed - they are grips, which is a thing that is cooked up on the fly to let you see and manipulate control points (similar for edit points, annotation controls etc) i.e. I guess they do not really exist in the hierarchy of a ‘brep’ in the current scheme of things.

I can imagine it might be possible to ‘special case’ grips in some way, but… what are you expecting the selction to hit if grips are not already enabled on a curve - what would you click on?


Hmmm…I kind of understand. So when I use the command ‘PointsOn’ are these grips or points? Kind of confusing, as it says I have selected a control point, not a grip…

Either way if it can be implemented it would be most welcome.

Well in the same way that vertices are not visible on a polysurface, yet ctrl-shift still selects them and they appear, I would expect the same to be the case on curves/polylines. This is very simple for 1-degree curves where points are all located somewhere on the curve. (and this would be my own main area of use)

Why it would be so useful:
Ctrl-shift dragging this area on polysurfaces allows us to stretch the geometry in two actions: Select and move.

Doing the same thing on curves leads to this disconnection, where I would want the end of the line to obviously move with the other geometry.

To fix this I need to select all geometry I want to stretch, then show points, then select specific points, then move. Just a bit longer, but when doing this many many times, it becomes tedious, especially when there is a system already in place to fix it!

For a curve with grips not located on the curve itself I would expect that ctrl-shift dragging a box would select those grips that fall inside the box if the grips were visible. This would probably not be as simple, but some people might still find it useful.

Edit: I should add in these examples I am ctrl-shift dragging a box from left to right fyi, if that wasn’t clear.

Hi Ben - I think for your purposes, Constraints (in the V8 WIP and under developement) would be a far more helpful and natural solution and less fraught with side effects and undefined cases.


Thanks Pascal,

I havent tried the WIP yet, but will give them a go! They are still something that needs to be set up though.

I understand the possibility of unwanted side-effects- it’s a shame as it would have been nice to be able to quickly and easily select and move these points, even if it were an option that could be toggled on say in modelling aids. I imagine many users would find this useful.

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Just came in with the same question. I think endpoints / control points of curves should be sub-selectable using the standard method.