Sub object but open

Recently, I encountered a problem when using Rhino. The Gyroid model I created is an open subdivision object. I used to find out whether there is a broken surface at the sharp corner, but this efficiency is very low, so I want to ask you, what is the way to quickly locate the open place of the sub model?
It would be appreciated that you can afford some advice.
Thank you.

Hi Cris - use ShowEdges > Naked edges.


yes.It‘s actually help me.Thanks Pascal.

I think i meet something strange again.
1.When i use ShowEdges after select the model, it tells me the model has two Non-manifold edges and No Naked edges.
2.but when i want to use the check the Non-manifold edges and No Naked edges in the window of edge analysis, it tells none.
Can you help me figure out this problem?
Thank you.

Hi -

It’s very hard to troubleshoot an issue from a description alone. Please post the 3dm file.

Sorry,Wim.Attached to Zip file below.The 3dm file up to 45Mb, so I had to compress the modle and upload the Zip file.
Please look at the model.
Thank you.
-C (19.5 MB)

Hi @CrisRon Do you really need this to be a SubD object? SubD is not really suitable for working with so many faces.
One way to repair is to run _ExtractControlPolygon. Then _MeshRepair to remove duplicate faces and non manifold edges. After you have made a valid mesh, you can then convert it back into a closed SubD

Thanks, Gijs.I got the closed SubD by using your approach.
To be honest, I do not know whether it is necessary to use the SubD object, but I can get the multi-surface format with smooth plane after _Boolean intersect between the SubD object and the cube(like the previous success case shown in the following picture), which is helpful for me to save it as Step format and import it into the finite element software.

Thanks again, Gijs.