Strip Collision

Hi people…
I have 2meshs and want see what will happen to them if I twist together.
Is there any way to solve mesh-mesh collision, not rigid-mesh or rigid-rigid etc etc…?
Here’s my situation + gh file…

Strip (34.8 KB)

Couldn’t resist, since it’s so similar to this. But my experience with meshes and collisions is meager. At first, nothing seemed to work, so I focused on just a single strip:

Like the above thread, the twisting “breaks” when it overcomes the mesh strength (my assumption). But I also tried giving the strip mesh twice as many cells along its width:

It rapidly creases as it twists, which is what I’d expect. So it greatly depends on what you’re interested in simulating – thin spring steel vs. paper vs. fabric…
Strip Twister (19.8 KB)

I then tried adding a second strip. I found the SoftBodyCollide component (“collisions between a collection of deformable meshes”) but no luck getting it to work. Same with the Collider. Then went to @DanielPiker 's example repo and found cloth collide, which uses the SphereCollide component. Not sure why, but it works:

Not sure any of this will be helpful for what you’re trying to do, but I learned a bunch!
Strip Twister (28.1 KB)

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