Straight line to form a circle

Is there a way in rhinoceros a fixed line that connects it to form a circle

it is not clear to me what you actually want. can you draw something up in rhino or a sketch or try to explain a bit more elaborative?

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I am trying how to bend a line segment, into a circle where the distance of 320 segments in the circle is the same, when I straighten them they are still 320Processing: Video_2021-08-09_190333.wmv…
Video_2021-08-09_190333.rar (2.5 MB)

Hm, still not sure what exactly you are trying to do.

But from what I can see I made a quick Grasshopper patch for that. There might be a simpler way, but the beauty of Grasshopper is that you can just try something out quickly. (14.8 KB)

You can use the slider “Extension” to control how opened the segments are.

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Thanks for the reply, but i want it to be a nice circle, not a polygon and i want to do it on rhino window

hello encephalon
i am trying to bend any line into a circle, but it seems in rhino window there is no wayProcessing: Video_2021-08-09_190333.wmv…

Hello - it seems like what you are really after is a way to create a circle by curve length, correct?
@noithatchiaki see if this does anything good - (3.5 KB)

To use the Python script use RunPythonScript, or a macro:

_-RunPythonScript "Full path to py file inside double-quotes"


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you can see the file i attached, hope you understand better with the way i presentVideo_2021-08-09_190333.rar (945.5 KB)

Hi, you are exactly what I am looking for help

Thank you so much, it’s amazing

I see. I got confused by the 10 segments you show and thought you actually want to animate it folding in. If you are only interested in the length of the curve, ie. the circumference of the circle you could also just quickly calculate the radius and then create a circle like that.

circumference = 2 * pi * radius

radius = 3200 / 2 * pi = 509.3

It could also be something that would be super easy to build using Grasshopper player and then you can just run it from Rhino.

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in Rhinoceros, can small circles run around the great circle that they have to be tangent to each other?

Here’s one way: (9.2 KB)


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This script does not work because the small circles are NOT on the big circle.

This is elementary school geometry problem. If you want 10 small circles around one big circle, divide (Divide command) the big circle into 10 arcs (with points), draw a line connecting nearby points, and divide this line into two halves. Each half is the radius of the small circle. Now you can draw the small circles (as shown in the following screenshot). Polar array will make other circles.

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thank you for the reply, but it seems I haven’t made it clear what my purpose is, the small circles its diameter is 27 will not be changed when running on the great circle they must be tangent to each other

Thanks Kev R,
It’s sad because I don’t know how to use grasshoppers
Is there a way for me to do it on rhino window? i hope help

i am trying to make 10 circles with 27 equal diameter and they have to be tangent to each other to form a circle



thank you so much that’s great
Daniel Piker

i’m trying to have a tube with a diameter of 27 run in a spiral where the tubes have to be tangent to each other,
please help