Creating a rounded triangle


im really new to rhino and grasshopper, so excuse my ignora,ce. at the moment im trying to draw a rounded triangle without getting to the result i want (or finishiing with way too many control points that make the curve too difficult to edit)

in the first image down below the third triangle is the one i would like to design. so i designed a regular triangle rounded the corners then i erased the middle segments to make arcs, the problem is it doesnt look like a continuous line.

Could you draw a triangle and then fillet the corners?

i would be a very clore geometry to the one i would like to reach, if you look closely on the third sketched triangle there are no straight lines… thats what makes it a bt difficult to draw for me (at least with not too many control points)

Ok gotcha
Maybe reading through chapter 5 of the lvl 2 training manual would help.
here is a link Rhino - Download - Rhino Level 2 Training Guide and Models (

Hi Alejandro - try: Make the ‘theoretical’ triangle.
Put on Mid and End Osnaps

Start the Curve command, degree=3 in the Mid of one of the triangle sides and snap to mids and ends:


Degree 2 will get you a ‘tighter’ fit to the triangle and dergee 5 a looser one

SoftTrianglePts.3dm (33.9 KB) (8.4 KB)



thanks Ryan God bless brother, love the profile and cover pic Soli Deo Gloria :muscle:

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thank you very much Pascal !