Stop object snapping to stuff behind?

Haha this is a game changer. Since when does this exist? I’m on Rhino6.

Thanks @pascal! Modeling aids - turned off. Works beautifully now.

Do you have any idea why Snap to Occluded does not work with VisualARQ objects? Since VisualARQ is one of the very important plugins in Rhino, it deserves some love.

What we get now is a 3Dfile that snaps wherever in the back (actually it prefers the back), in any mode, Shaded, Rendered or even Hidden, regardless if the Snap to occluded is on or off, which makes working in 3D or 2D an absolute nightmare that requires object isolation all the time.

If we explode VisualARQ Objects, the problem vanishes and snaps are happening only to non occluded edges, mids, and so on. I guess it has something to do with Geometry Cache Objects (or other intermediate geometry VA uses) behaviour?

Do you have similar experience? Have you tried VisualARQ?