STL to Nurbs

Hello everyone, when converting STL to Nurbs is it normal to lose quality? Is there another way to make the STL editable in Rhino?



Mesh to Nurbs

(don t use _toNurbs directly on a complex mesh !!!)
search for reverse engineering in this forum.
there is two approaches in Rhino - that also can be combined:
(1) directly remodel nurbs surfaces
(2) mesh → Quadremesh → SubD → Nurbs see here

Mesh Edit

there is a lot of approaches to deform / modify control points / mesh vertices.
check all kinds of transform tools.
check UDT
special stuff for meshes here:

if you need more input - please give a example file / more detailed question / point to the details that you struggle with.

kind regards


Yes, it is normal. A polygonal representation is always “less” than a mathematically described model using parametric equations (in this case, “Nurbs” surfaces).
Using Sub-D’s is a dirty hack, sometimes this works. It depends on where your model comes from and how well it was modeled. A proper class-A model, exported only as polygons, cannot be regenerated automatically with the same quality. However, if you never had a surface model before, a “bad” Sub-D model is better than nothing. So it always depends… But always think also about that polygonal data, like coming from a scan, might also contain errors. It should not be in your interessed to simply keep those errors. So proper remodeling from scratch, is technically often the better solution.

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