.step file to nested RFAs - Multiple block instances

So I have come up with a process to convert .step files received from customers into nested .RFAs in a mother family. I use GH/Rhino to create separate component families for all the blocks (parts). Then I import them into a mother family using Dynamo - basically a load all RFAs from path.

I gave this my best go but I am running into problems with my data branching when writing the RFAs to disk and getting duplicates.

My create form family node is showing each data branch as having 2 objects in them which is what I want, but when the families are generated it is actually creating a family for each line (image)

There are several posts relating to this similar problem, but the helpful ones use elefront and I am unable to reproduce the results.

Thank you!

step to Revit converter.gh (18.3 KB)

step to rfa test.3dm (1.6 MB)

Hi John,

The input on your Family Name has two values as well, this will need to be one to get the desired result.

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Yep I totally overlooked that. Thanks so much. Works great now!